How to create a separate icon on the BlackBerry smartphone for only BlackBerry Enterprise Server messages
Referensi :
1. Extract the files in the attached file to a temporary folder on the local computer.
2. From a command prompt, change the current directory to the temporary folder from Step 1.
3. Turn on or turn off the feature.
To turn on this feature:
Type the following command using the EnableBESOnlyMessageApplication.sql input file:
For Local Database: bbdbupdate -db
-input EnableBESOnlyMessageApplication.sql For Remote Database or Local Database with a named Instance:
bbdbupdate –n <Host name of SQLserver\instance name (if applicable)> -db
-input EnableBESOnlyMessageApplication.sql
To turn off this feature:
Type the following command using the DisableBESOnlyMessageApplication.sql input file:
For Local Database: bbdbupdate -db
-input DisableBESOnlyMessageApplication.sql For Remote Database or Local Database with a named Instance:
bbdbupdate –n <Host name of SQLserver\instance name (if applicable)> -db
-input DisableBESOnlyMessageApplication.sql Note: Replace
with the name of the BlackBerry Configuration Database. The default name is BESMgmt.
4. Run the BBDBUpdate.exe tool and review the screen output for any errors.
Once the database script is applied to the database, the BlackBerry Enterprise Server must send updated service book data to each BlackBerry smartphone. Once the service book data is received on the BlackBerry smartphone, the changes are visible on the Home screen of the BlackBerry smartphone. If this feature is turned on, a new message list application icon with the name typed in the Message service display name field appears. If this feature is turned off, the icon disappears from the Home screen once the update is applied to the BlackBerry smartphone.
4 komentar:
makasi sharing ionfonya ya mas... :)
mau tanya dong...kalo bold tiba2 mati (baterai masi 2 bar) & kalo dicharge muncul gambar baterai + petir penyebabnya apa ya?
ini uda ketiga kalinya...yg pertama & kedua hanya diupgrade OS oleh toko
sempet pernah baca sih artikel tadi dari RIM..gimana ada yang dah coba? berhasil gak seh... hehehe... agak ngeri ngoprek2 skrip di production server.
BlackBerry Connect on my mobile (Sony Ericsson G900) couldn't run :( Do you know that? Thank's before
@Vicky : sudah dicoba dengan baterai Bold lain ?
@isal : saya sendiri sudah coba di sepuluh server BES tidak ada masalah. Misal script tidak berhasil, tidak akan berpengaruh pada kinerja BES
@hanum : please cek again your BlackBerry Connect version. Maybe need to call CS of Sony Ericsson
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